My job tonight is to dig the elves out of the laundry room where they've been hiding the past year and simply place them in the kitchen with this note sitting next to them. That's it. Who's with me?
Dear kids,
I’m back once again for some Holiday fun
But this year will be different yet still fun for everyone!
You see, my job is to come spread Holiday cheer
To kids all over the world, both far and near.
Happiness is deserved by every boy and every girl.
Can you help me spread love all over this world?
There are people close by not as happy as you.
They don’t have toys, good food, or nice shoes.
There's a boy in your town whose hungry and sad.
He needs food for his brother, his mom, and his dad.
What could you do to help this sweet boy?
I know you can think of many ways to bring joy!
I’m needed all over, so here I cannot stay.
I’m off on a mission but will return in a few days.
So pick a good deed, plan it out, get it done.
Celebrate the season with love and good fun!
I'm still learning how to link a document for you to open and print. Such a rookie, I know. So for now, rewrite, copy & what you need to do. I know time is of the essence tonight. Leave room to sign your elf's name. If you are way off your rocker like me and have more than one elf <SMH>, change the "I"s to "We"s and the "my"s to "our"s.
A few ideas of good deeds: baking goodies for the mail person, writing thank you notes to the school custodian or lunch lady, putting together necessity bags for the homeless (you can find a lot of examples of this on Pinterest), gathering up old blankets to be dropped at a homeless shelter or animal rescue, collecting hats and mittens to be delivered to a school (doesn't have to be your child's school if there isn't a big need there - it may be eye opening to take them to a school in a different area). You know your area, your time availability, and your kids. Choose what works best for you and what will have a strong impact on your kids.
Enjoy this season of change. Embrace the simplicity and the beauty of this new elf routine.
Keep this season simple because it's truly not *all* about the kids, it's not about the crazy mischief of the elves, and it's definitely not about the sh-tuff. It's about living to give and giving to live.
Keep this season simple because it's truly not *all* about the kids, it's not about the crazy mischief of the elves, and it's definitely not about the sh-tuff. It's about living to give and giving to live.
Keep it simple.
Keep Calm and Elf On.
Wish I'd seen this last night!!! No worries though -- how did your kids react???